Structural Integration and Natural Movement Training Training in the Lewisville and DFW area
Kathrina Leavitt
…a curious and supportive manual therapist, focused on finding ease of movement and more space for breath
Kathrina’s passion is helping people to live their lives to the fullest. She seeks to support each person to find ease of movement through myofascial bodywork, spending quality time with clients, creating and holding space for body, mind and spirit.
Inspired by her mom’s work as a physical therapist, she graduated Oregon School of Massage in 2015. Soon she began practicing medically-focused massage and manual therapy employing myofascial techniques, stretching, and movement among others to treat pain and injuries. Clients have seen an improvement in headaches and neck issues, and have been able to address postural imbalance, aid in injury recovery, and increase mobility.
Deep curiosity in the body’s intelligence led her to continued study in Structural Integration with Anatomy Trains. As a structural integrator, she supports the process of unwinding restrictive patterns of use, while reorganizing the body’s myofascia, rekindling the body’s awareness and balance through the ATSI 12-series.
Away from the studio, you can find her traveling with her husband, hiking and climbing in the mountains, dancing, or sharing coffee with a friend.