Applying Structural Integration

to the Foot

Learn to treat feet from the SI (Structural Integration) perspective

In this workshop you will learn:

  • how to assess foot alignment and pliability

  • how to treat soft tissue imbalances in the feet

  • how to mobilize the bones and joints of the foot

You must be a practicing Manual Therapist, Structural Integrator, Chiropractor or Physical Therapist to join this workshop.

I believe the whole body walks.
— James Earls

Continuing Education Units provided for LMTs and NCBTMB

Certificates of completion (including hours) will be provided to each student who participates in the entire workshop.


Three Day Intensive + Over 6 hours of video content for home study

January 24-26th, 2025

4851 S I35E Ste 104,

Corinth, TX 76210




Ample hands on instruction, palpation and technique practice

  • Learn to “hook into” and create pliability in plantar aponeurosis

  • Learn to layer in intentionally, applying manual techniques to each fascial layer of the dorsal and planter surfaces of the foot

  • Learn to palpate and address specific muscles of the foot

  • Learn basic soft tissue joint mobilzation techniques

  • Learn to work with the four crural (leg) compartments

Loads of instruction about assessing the feet

  • Learn to assess and understand the implications of various foot patterns (tilts, bends, shifts and rotations in the Euclidean planes)

  • Learn basic biomechanics of walking (applied to the foot and leg)

Plenty of anatomy review, instruction and discussion

  • Learn and discuss all fascial layers of the foot

  • Learn and review all muscles of the foot

  • Learn basic nerve, artery and vein anatomy of the foot

Balance in the body begins with feet, for the basic work of foot and ankle is to offer a reliable base by which the upper body can relate to the horizontal plane of the earth
— Ida Rolf


Isaac Chilton is a Board Certified Structural Integrator (International Association of Structural Integrators) and movement teacher with over 25 years of experience. He has owned Structural Elements LLC/PMA since 2004. Sparked by a fascination with Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture he launched into a study of the healing arts at an early age. Initially intended as a spring board into Acupuncture School he trained in and began to practice Therapeutic Massage in 1998. His foray into bodywork morphed into a discipline. Enthralled by anatomy and human structural behavior, Isaac has turned that discipline into a passion. 

He holds certifications with ATSI (Anatomy Trains school for Structural Integration formally KMI), International Association of Structural Integrators, the Upledger® Institute in Cranial Sacral Therapy and Visceral Manipulation, CORE® school for Structural Integration (sleeve training only), Kinesiotape®,the National Academy of Sports Medicine (with a specialization in corrective exercise), Stott® Pilates and TRX®. He holds a Level III certification as a MovNat® natural movement trainer. He is currently working on certifications in Breatholdwork, Animal Flow® , Thai massage (ITM Chiang Mai Thailand), AIM, Scar Work through MSTR. In the coming years he plans to deepen his knowledge and training in Visceral Manipulation, Cranial Osteopathy, the Osteopathic approaches used by Philip Greenman, Spinning Babies work and Myo Functional Therapy. Isaac is a Massage Therapy Instructor and Continuing Education provider in the state of Texas. He has a background in teaching Anatomy & Physiology, various massage modalities, myofascial work and Corrective Bodywork both in workshop settings and at a massage school. He has spent over 200 physical hours in human dissection and continues to study and work closely with Integral Anatomist and teacher Gil Hedley.

Isaac works from our studios for Structural Integration and natural movement training in the Dallas Fort Worth area. He practices, moves and trains with his colleagues Kali Johnson (B.S. Kinesiology, Dance Science, LMT, Structural Integrator, MovNat®), Zack Johnson (MovNat®), Jessica Ryan (LMT CKTP) and Kathrina Leavitt (LMT, Structural Integrator). When missing from the office he is often traveling the globe with his open-hearted and unshakably positive wife, Fatima Chilton.

Applying Structural Integrative Therapy To: The Foot

An intensive, three day, hands on foot workshop for manual and physical therapists.

Workshop Enrollment Details

Since this intensive workshop will include one on one, hands on instruction there are only 25 spots available.

The course location and times are listed on this webpage. Directions can be accessed by clicking on the maps.

Please feel free to bring a mat (yoga, pilates, MovNat or similar) to this course. Chairs will be available but you will be invited to sit or lounge on the ground.

A small discount may be provided to students who can bring a treatment table. If you are interested in this discount and you are able to bring a treatment table please contact us. Note: you must contact us to inquire about this option to receive a discount. Use the “Tell me more” form below to submit a question about receiving a discount by bringing your own treatment table.

Once you have added the workshop to your cart and completed payment, you will be enrolled in the workshop.

You will receive a separate email to confirm enrollment and more details including precise directions to the workshop location. Please type any questions you have about the workshop below. We will try to respond with an email promptly

Payment can be made using credit card , stripe or PayPal. Click the “Purchase this Workshop” button above to see these options.

If you prefer to use check, cash, crypto or another form of payment use the “Tell me more” form below to inquire about alternative forms of payment.

Tell me more:

Fill out and submit the form below if you’d like more information about this intensive workshop.