What Should I Wear? 

You will want to come to each session completely fragrance free and with absolutely no moisturizers, lotions, creams oils or the like on your skin. These lubricants, even if used earlier on the day of your appointment, impede our work significantly. We may ask you to pay for your session and reschedule your appointment if we detect lotion or fragrance. Since moisturizers and lotions impede our fascial work and since some of our clients have multiple chemical sensitivities, this is a very serious matter.


If you are scheduled for therapy your therapist will work with you in one of two ways. Please be prepared for both.


  • Your therapist may use a session for Corrective Bodywork and not Structural Integration. The difference is explained on the "our process" page. If your therapist chooses to work in this way, you may be on the therapy table without clothes. At Structural Elements we are artful and meticulous with draping. You will feel very safe and respected on our tables. Your therapist will exit the therapy room after your initial conversation and give you ample time to undress and get on the table. They will take time to walk you through the details of this process if bodywork is new to you.

  • Your therapist may work more in the style of a Structural Integrator and not just Corrective Bodyworker. The difference is addressed here in our blog. Structural Integration is best received when wearing underwear. Every effort is made to make you feel comfortable and warm. There will be times during a session you will be asked to stand and feel the pleasant changes that are occurring in your body. This is part of the therapy. Your nervous system 'eats this stuff up!' Women should wear a bra that gives us full access to the back (not sports or strappy bras) and underwear (any style is acceptable). A two piece bathing suit is also appropriate. Most men receive the work in boxers or briefs. If you need time or privacy to change before a session, your therapist will exit the room and give you ample time to prepare. Minors are encouraged to wear athletic shorts.



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Come to each session completely fragrance free and with absolutely no moisturizers, lotions, creams oils or the like on your skin. These lubricants, even if used earlier on the day of your appointment, impede our work significantly. 

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If you are scheduled to train with us, wear clothing that allows you to move freely in many vectors. Sessions of natural movement training are always playful and often involve perspiration. Clothing you would wear to the gym, a pilates or yoga class could work well. Be prepared to work barefoot inside our studios but bring footwear in case we work outside. Minimal shoes are preferred but don’t worry if you are used to more traditional athletic footwear. Bring the footwear you’re used to. A small towel and a bottle of water will be provided. At this time we do not have showering facilities.